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Osteomalacia and homeopathy  by aradhana srivastava



Osteomalacia is softening of the bones due to a lack of vitamin D or a problem with the body's ability to break down and use this vitamin.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

The softer bones seen in persons with osteomalacia have a normal amount of collagen, which gives the bones its structure, but lack the proper amount of calcium.There are numerous causes of osteomalacia. In children, the condition is called rickets and is usually caused by low levels of vitamin D.
Other conditions that may lead to osteomalacia include:

•Not enough vitamin D in the diet

•Not enough exposure to sunlight, which produces vitamin D in the body

•Malabsorption of vitamin D by the intestines

Use of very strong sunscreen, limited exposure of the body to sunlight, short days of sunlight, and smog are factors that reduce formation of vitamin D in the body. The elderly and those who avoid drinking milk are at increased risk for osteomalacia.

Other conditions that may cause osteomalacia include:


•Hereditary or acquired disorders of vitamin D metabolism

•Kidney failure and acidosis

•Liver disease

•Phosphate depletion associated with not enough phosphates in

the diet

•Side effects of medications used to treat seizures


•Bone fractures that happen with very little injury

•Muscle weakness

•Widespread bone pain, especially in the hips

Symptoms may also occur due to low calcium levels. These


•Abnormal heart rhythms

•Numbness around the mouth

•Numbness of arms and legs

•Spasms of hands or feet

Signs and tests:

Blood tests will be done to check vitamin D, creatinine,

calcium, and phosphate levels.

A bone biopsy reveals bone softening.

Bone x-rays and a bone density test can help detect

pseudofractures, bone loss, and bone softening.

Other tests may be done to determine if there is a kidney

problem or other underlying disorder. These tests include:

•ALP (alkaline phosphatase) isoenzyme



We all know that we will opt for the constitutional similimum for this clinical condition as well.
Today I feel like exploring all the homoeo drugs mentioned under this roof.

From complete repertory:

there are 29 drugs mentioned under this roof.
for 3 marks:calc,calc-p,sil,asaf,bell,ferr-i,ferr-p,ip,kali-i,

For 1 marks:con,ferr-m,hecla,hep,mez,nit-ac,nux-m,puls,ruta,
ther, thuja.

In phatak's rep there are only 3 drugs mentioned:

Here not a single calcarea is mentioned....
and all the 3 are syphillitic remedies.

Iodine has great absorbent action which is rapid and intense.This cuses generalised wasting reprenting as emaciation.Inspite of good nourishment there is debilty. Thyroid hormone functioning is hampered causing osteomalacia.

It is powerful disinfectant and has much greater rapidity of action.Albuminuria in early pregnancy which may cause malabsorption of vitamin-D very early in life.

It affects the sensory nerves ,bones causing debility. Here the growth is very rapid,children complaint of growing pains.so here the nourishment always is short
cos it cannot match with the pace of growth.

In all the 3 drugs mentioned above the pace is very important since it is very very fast

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